
Thursday, May 18, 2006

There's only one Rashid Saleem ... One Rashid Saleem.. There's only one Rashid Saleem...

Hello campers!

The title of this post echoes a football chant when we sing about the star player or manager. I feel like that about a student (Dr Rashid Saleem) who took the IELTS course in July 2005 and had the magnamimity to open his mind and adapt his learning style to the constraints that IELTS placed on him.

Many students come and go. Few stay on in my consciousness as strongly as Dr Rashid. Despite all the demands of his professional work and family commitments; he joins blog after blog to impart knowledge and encourage the faint-hearted to pursue their dreams. Thank you, sir!

Hey you, the shy, quiet,worried, nervous ones sitting at the back of the bus! Come forward and ask for directions!

Finally, on a football note, did you notice how Barcelona did NOT panic last night? They kept to their game plan, worked hard and fortune favoured the brave. It was their night and the world salutes a team of artists and football heroes.

My humble football team, Watford, play an enormously important match on Sunday 21 May and I hope with all my heart that luck is with them and an exciting adventure unfolds next season if they win a place in the Premiership.

Er, you see, there is life beyond IELTS... :)

Anybody out there?

Bye for now


ps Myself, my wife and Zeena will be watching the Abu Dhabi Choral Group perform the Gilbert & Sullivan operetta The Pirates of Penzance at the British School Al Khubairat this evening at 8pm - it should be a hoot! Why not come this evening or tomorrow at 6pm?


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