
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Another chapter opens...

Dear blog users

Welcome to the latest weblog! I hope really takes off and gets you to your destination!

Stand by for more news from your IELTS tutor



  • Hello Dhanya and Kamal!

    Nice to hear from you! I can't edit anyone's comments, Dhanya, you have to POST a message via
    In any case, don't worry about making mistakes, just communicate.

    Dear Kamal

    Did I say that? Maybe I was just making conversation - was it during the mock Speaking test? There was no ulterior or sinister motive behind my question - honest!

    As I said before, I admire your openness, sincerity and personality.
    I will invite you to join this new weblog, and you can use blogmember account in the meantime to post actual messages.



    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 10:21 am  

  • hello again Kamal!

    Superb score young man, well done a thousand times!

    As for the road ahead, now you can smell the roses and enjoy the view!Drink as much English as you can from whatever source.

    Am tied up with family stuff this evening, I will invite you to join the i-drive weblog as soon as possible.



    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 5:58 pm  

  • Hello again Kamal!

    Yes, a rich vocabulary is the mark of a well-read person.

    Try also the BBC world service website for learning English - it focuses on useful words in the news.

    There is also that Macmillan English Dictionary website - - they have a free on-line magazine as well that supplements their excellent dictionary (it has a CD component as well.)

    Good luck with the Oz trip and upcoming exam. I love National Geographic (we subscribe to it)and think it is terrific information and entertainment.

    So, one tip for the future: never be satisfied with your mastery of English, always seek to fine tune your appreciation of the nuances (shades) of meaning that make English such a rich, fascinating language. I'm still learning new words all the time!

    Enjoy the weekend, I had a lovely day with Zeena and her friend by the pool and in the sea today!

    Take care


    ps The Khaleej Times is fabulous value for Dhs 2 a day - it reprints articles from the UK Guardian and Observer newspapers

    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 10:57 pm  

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